Functional Column Headers

You can use different column headers to achieve dynamic settings for each created page. This way you are not required to set the settings in the LPagery dashboard, but you can make all the settings in the source file and therefore have the ability to have different settings (parent pages, categories for example) for each created page.

Here is a list of all available column headers.

lpagery_author #

Allows setting the author of the page being created via the spreadsheet. You can specify the author using the ID, email address, or login name.


  • To set the author by ID: 123
  • To set the author by email:
  • To set the author by login name: admin

lpagery_status #

Sets the status of the page being created. Valid values are “publish”, “private”, “draft”, “future”.


  • To publish immediately: publish
  • To keep private: private
  • To save as a draft: draft
  • To schedule for future publishing (must use lpagery_publish_date): future

lpagery_publish_date #

Sets the publish date of the page. Required if the status is set to “future”. The date must be in ISO format. This column is used for dripping content.

Hint: Even if the page status is set to ‘publish’ and the publish_date is in the future, the post publishing will be scheduled accordingly


  • Scheduled publish date: 2024-07-31T10:00:00

lpagery_parent #

Sets the parent page of the new page. You can specify the parent using the post ID or the slug.


  • To set parent by ID: 25
  • To set parent by slug: parent-page

lpagery_template #

Sets the template for the page creation. You can specify the template using the post ID or the slug.


  • To use a template by ID: 30
  • To use a template by slug: template-name

lpagery_categories #

Sets the categories for the page being created. Categories can be single, multiple and hierarchical. If the specified categories do not exist, they are automatically created. Existing categories are not modified.


  • Single category: news
  • Multiple categories: news|updates
  • Hierarchical categories: top-level>sub-level
  • Multiple Hierarchical categories: top-level>sub-level|mid-level

When specifying hierarchical categories, use > to separate levels. This is necessary only when creating new hierarchical categories. If the categories already exist, only the rightmost category in the hierarchy (e.g., cat3 in cat1>cat2>cat3) will be considered, and no new categories will be created.

lpagery_tags #

Sets tags for the page being created. Tags can be single or multiple, separated by |. Tags are created if they do not already exist.


  • Single tag: important
  • Multiple tags: important|featured

Tags are straightforward and do not support hierarchical structures like categories.

lpagery_taxonomy_{taxonomy_name} #

Allows setting values for custom taxonomies associated with the page being created. Taxonomies can be single or multiple, separated by |. Replace {taxonomy_name} with the slug of the taxonomy. Taxonomies can be hierarchical or non-hierarchical, similar to categories and tags.


  • Custom hierarchical taxonomy: lpagery_taxonomy_region
    • Hierarchical value: region1>subregion
  • Custom non-hierarchical taxonomy: lpagery_taxonomy_topic
    • Non-hierarchical value: topic1

For hierarchical taxonomies, use > to indicate levels. If the taxonomy allows hierarchy, you can specify values hierarchically, similar to categories.

lpagery_content #

Allows setting the content directly from the Google Sheet for the page to be created. This can be useful when all content should come from the sheet, including placeholders.


  • Direct content: lpagery_content: This is the content of the page.
  • Content with placeholders: lpagery_content: Hello {name}, welcome to our site!

Notes: The content provided in this field will replace any existing content set in the WordPress editor for the new page.

Pro Feature

When to Use This Feature

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