With our affiliate program you can earn a 20% commission on every payment from users you reffered to us. Here are the stats of our affiliate programm:
30-day cookie tracking
20 % Commision on ALL Payments (Initial and recurring)
Payout via PayPal with a minimum of 100$
Fill out the form below to apply to our affiliate programm. We will get in touch with you ASAP!
Pro Feature
Unlimited Placeholders
Enables the creation of unique, personalized landing pages at scale by offering unlimited placeholders for dynamic content.
When to Use This Feature
Essential for crafting content-rich, unique pages for each visitor or target group, optimizing for local SEO, e-commerce variability, or specific event details.
Use Examples
SEO: Tailor pages to various locations and services with specific details.
Events: Create unique landing pages for multiple events.