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Set up a CSV file with custom placeholders

Setting up a CSV File as Source #

You have two options to choose from for the input of your generated pages. One of them is the upload of a CSV File. You can also generate pages based on a location and via a Google Spreadsheet


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What is a CSV File? #

CSV stands for comma-separated-values and is a file format, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format. CSV files can be editet with all common spreadsheet softwares like Excel and Google Spreadsheets. 

Creating Placeholders and fill the CSV with Data #

To use a CSV file to generate pages, you need to fill the spreadsheet with data. Here you decide which placeholders you can use on your template page later on. 

In the top row of the spreadsheet you fill in one placeholder per column. 

CSV Example Step 1

The example above will give you the following placeholders:

{city}, {service} and {your-placeholder}

Fill in your data #

Next up you will have to add your data to the spreadsheet. Keep in mind:

Every row will equal one generated page later on. 

CSV Example Step 2

The example above will give you the three pages. If you have a heading on your template page with this content:

“Your {your-placeholder} {service} service in {city}

The result would be:

“Your best Plumbing service in New York

“Your professional Plumbing service in London

“Your excellent Plumbing service in Tokyo


Exporting a CSV File with Google Spreadsheets #

Exporting a CSV File with Microsoft Excel #

Pro Feature

When to Use This Feature

Use Examples