Use Case Franchise

How LPagery Can Help Your Franchise Grow

Franchise businesses face unique challenges with different locations and constantly changing data such as phone numbers and opening hours. LPagery helps by enhancing local SEO for each franchise store and simplifying the management of individual store pages. Discover how to efficiently manage your franchise’s online presence with our use case examples and downloadable templates.

Why Use LPagery for Your Franchise Business?

Effortlessly manage multiple locations

Keep details for all franchise locations organized in a single file.

Enhance local SEO

Increase your visibility in local search results for each franchise location.

Generate numerous landing pages

Quickly create customized landing pages for each franchise store.

Update with ease

Simplify updates for phone numbers, opening hours, and other changing data all from a single source file.

Real Life Example of a Franchise Business using LPagery

We have gathered some common businesses that already use LPagery to improve their local SEO and created real life examples for you which you can easily copy, adjust to your business and use LPagery with!

When to Use LPagery for a Franchise Business?

Franchises use LPagery for creating dedicated pages for each franchise or branch location as well as improving SEO through generation of location specific landing pages.  LPagery helps Franchise Businesses in organizing and managing details for multiple branches, ensuring consistent presentation and easy updates.

Premium Features
Premium Features Used in This Example

Google Sheet Sync

Automatically syncs content between your Website and a Google Sheet, ensuring real-time updates and data accuracy across platforms. 

Custom Post Type Support

Provides flexibility in content creation by supporting custom post types, allowing for diverse and structured content.

Full Taxonomy Support

Let’s you set custom taxonomies to the generated pages to maintain a proper structure of the generated pages.

Image Processing

Let’s you insert different images on the created pages including setting the featured image. Ideal for different stores, locations etc. where each store has unique images.

Example Structure of Your Source File for a Fitness Franchise Business:

branch-name city address operating-hours contact-number manager-name lpagery_taxonomy_area example-image.jpg
Downtown Branch New York 123 Main St 9 AM - 6 PM 123-456-7890 Alice Brown North America>USA>New York image-for-downtown.jpg
Central Branch Chicago 456 Michigan Ave 8 AM - 5 PM 234-567-8901 Bob White North America>USA>Illinois image-for-central.jpg
Shibuya Branch San Francisco 789 Market St 10 AM - 7 PM 345-678-9012 Charlie Black North America>USA>California image-for-shibuya.jpg
Midtown Branch Los Angeles 101 Center Blvd 9 AM - 6 PM 456-789-0123 Daisy Green North America>USA>California image-for-midtown.jpg
Uptown Branch Miami 202 Ocean Dr 7 AM - 4 PM 567-890-1234 Edward Blue North America>USA>Florida image-for-uptown.jpg

After creating the source file with all the information from each branch including the images we then head over to our template page. Here we use a Custom Post Type post for our branch pages (of course you can just use regular pages too). 

Here we insert all of our placeholders into the template post we will be using to generate all the posts for our franchise branches.

Example Usage on Template Page

In this case the image we are using in the hero section is the example-image.jpg image which we set in the source file to be replaced by the images we set for each branch.

Optional: Setting up Google Sheet Sync

In our case we want to be able to make changes in our Google Sheet which will be directly shown on our website so we will be using the Google Sheet Sync Feature to automatically sync our website to a Google Sheet.

Use Examples:

  • Branch changes its opening hours (Update row in Google Sheet)
  • New branch is added (Add row in Google Sheet)
  • Branch is closed and needs to be removed from our website (Delete row in Google Sheet)

In all of these cases we can then simply make the changes in our Google Sheet and the pages on our website will be updated.

Resulting Pages Example

After creating the posts with LPagery, we will have all of our franchise branches like this.

Need a Full Tutorial?

For a full tutorial on how to create pages with LPagery, please visit our Getting Started guide.

Tip: In the guide you also learn how to easily create hundreds of combinations of your keywords which is very helpful if you have multiple services across multiple locations and don’t want to manually create the combinations for each location.

Start Bulk Creating Pages in WordPress

You want more local customers for your Franchise Business?

Use LPagery today to get more local customers with only a couple of minutes of work. 

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Pro Feature

When to Use This Feature

Use Examples