How to Add Custom Meta Boxes in WordPress Without a Plugin – 2023

Have you ever wished for a way to add some custom data to your posts or pages? Maybe an extra bit of information that doesn’t quite fit in the main body of the content? Well, today we’ll learn how to create custom meta boxes in WordPress, and yes, without a plugin. So, tighten your coding […]

How to Add a Featured Image in WordPress Without a Plugin – 2024

Hey there, WordPress adventurers! You’re probably familiar with the concept of featured images, those handy visuals that accompany your posts and pages. Did you know you can add a featured image to your WordPress posts without a plugin? Well, grab your trusty coding quill, because we’re about to learn how to do just that! Let’s […]

How to Create a Custom Post Type Without a Plugin – 2023

Howdy, WordPress wizards! Ever felt confined by the post types WordPress provides out of the box? Well, no more! Today, we’ll be casting a spell to conjure a custom post type, all without the help of a plugin. Are you ready to level up your WordPress game? Let’s dive in! Step 1: What’s a Custom […]

How to Customize the WordPress Admin Dashboard Without a Plugin – 2023

Hey, WordPress enthusiasts! Are you tired of the same old, same old when you log into your website’s admin dashboard? Do you want a custom look that’s all your own? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Today we’re going to learn how to customize the WordPress admin dashboard. Put on your coding hats, and […]

How to Customize Your Comments Layout Without a Plugin in WordPress in 2023

What’s up, WordPress whizzes? Ready to dip your toes into the ocean of customization? Today, we’re focusing on your website’s comments section. Out-of-the-box WordPress comments are, well, a bit vanilla. We’re here to add some sprinkles. Follow along and you’ll learn how to customize your WordPress comments layout. We’re talking PHP, CSS, and a whole […]

How to Create Custom a Sidebar Widget Without a Plugin in WordPress – 2023

Hey there, code lovers! If you’re a WordPress enthusiast looking to take your site to the next level, we’ve got just the tutorial for you. Today, we’re going to demystify the process of creating a custom sidebar widget for your WordPress site. And guess what? We’re going to do it with just a bit of […]

How to Create Custom WordPress Widgets Without a Plugin – 2023

Hello there, fellow WordPress aficionados! Today, we’re delving into the exciting world of WordPress widgets. Widgets add oodles of functionality to our WordPress websites, and believe it or not, creating a custom one is easier than you might think. Let’s ditch those one-size-fits-all solutions and get to work on our very own widget. No plugins […]

Come utilizzare il SEO programmatico in WordPress con i plugin nel 2024

Introduzione Nel vasto mondo in continua evoluzione del marketing digitale, distinguersi dalla massa è una sfida monumentale. Ogni clic conta e, per far prosperare la vostra attività, è fondamentale che il vostro sito web non solo raggiunga il pubblico giusto, ma che lo coinvolga e lo interessi. Un metodo comprovato per raggiungere questo obiettivo è […]

كيفية استخدام SEO البرمجي في WordPress مع المكونات الإضافية في عام 2023

مقدمة في عالم التسويق الرقمي الواسع والمتطور باستمرار ، يعد التميز عن الآخرين تحديا هائلا. كل نقرة مهمة ، ولكي يزدهر عملك ، من الأهمية بمكان ألا يصل موقع الويب الخاص بك إلى الجمهور المناسب فحسب ، بل يشركهم أيضا ويشركهم ويحملهم. إحدى الطرق التي أثبتت جدواها لتحقيق ذلك هي من خلال تحسين محركات البحث […]

Cómo usar el SEO programático en WordPress con plugins en 2024

Introducción En el vasto y siempre cambiante mundo del marketing digital, destacar entre la multitud es un reto monumental. Cada clic cuenta y, para que su empresa prospere, es fundamental que su sitio web no sólo llegue al público adecuado, sino que también lo atraiga y mantenga su interés. Un método de eficacia probada para […]

Pro Feature

When to Use This Feature

Use Examples